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Just Some Teenage Girls ;;
Laughing too loud Smiling too wide
Crying over stupid stuff, Depending
on our Best Friends, Stalking guys,
 dancing randomly, Loving when
we know we will only be hurt,
Texting non-stop, shopping until
we go
broke, Playing our sports,
listening to our iPods late at night,

Making mistakes, Learning each
and everyday,go
insane over
small things, obsess over pimples,
sing off key, act weird, have to buy things,
need to be with friends, cant go to the
bathroom alone, eat too much, ask if
we're fat often, cry all the time, stay up
all night; but all that doesn't matter because
we love each other anyway &
thats one thing we are good at.

credit to FruitSaladmm

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Just Some Teenage Girls ;; Laughing too loud Smiling too wide

7 faves · May 10, 2009 9:23pm






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