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You used to be the reason I went to bed each nite smiling
but now yur the reason I go to bed each nite cryin. You
used to make me happy with every single werd that you
said but now you break my heart with every werd you say,
or even don’t say, and they repeat inside my head. And
them butterflies you used to give me, made me wanna fly,
but now I hope those freakin stupid butterflies die. I try
my hardest to let you go, but its impossible to me becuz I
still love you so. I keep telln myself that I hate you, but I
don’t I wanna fergit you, and I wont. God I don’t kno wut it
is thas holding me back, but whenever I think I have the rite
ansewr, Im always way off track. I didn’t even think you
were gunna break my heart, and if I knew you wur gunna,
I wuld of never loved you from the start. _______x3

EhHh not sure if it*s that good er not.. YoU teLL mEe..!?
((iTs aLL miiiNe...)) mOdYmO1945 <-- git at me there
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You used to be the reason I went to bed each nite smiling but

1 faves · Feb 26, 2005 3:17pm





break up

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