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She glances in the mirror and throws her [hair up]  r i p p e d jeans, and an old hoodie -- They're all she needs. She runs out the door, five minutes before class starts, and arrives just as the bell rings, cheeks flushed. She doesn't try that hard at school and she plays sports because she likes to run. Her room's a mess and her cell phone's always {dead} but she just s m i l e s; she knows the world is hers. She has her enemies, she's made some mistakes, and she knows it, but she doesn't care. She's happy with who she is and who she has -- becausthatall she needs.
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She glances in the mirror and throws her [hair up] r i p p e

24 faves · 1 comments · May 5, 2009 9:12pm






kyshea16 · 1 decade ago
this quote is amazing. and im kinda sad thats its not a lot farther up. the picture quotes are just gettin annoying now.
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