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You hold it all in, and keep it to yourself, not letting anyone else know how you truly feel.
You want to show that you're strong and don't care about some stupid boy who
carelessly broke you're heart. People will pity you, which is the last thing you
want. You can tell their all thinking, "I'm glad I'm not that girl." 
"He's just a boy." You keep saying to yourself. "I shouldn't waste my tears on him."  You have everyone fooled,  making them think you didn't care about him at all. But now, it seems so hard to keep it that way. Everything you've kept to yourself for so long, and held, in bursts out. You can no longer hold it in anymore. People start to stare, but you don't care. You're best friends, who are always there to help you, rush you to the girls' room. You just let it all out, not caring about anything else, or if anyone sees you. You don't think you will ever be able to stop. After a long period of time, you start to feel as if you can't cry anymore. There just seem to be no more tears.
You finally realize how good it feels to just

- - - >let it all out< - - -
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You hold it all in, and keep it to yourself, not letting anyone

4 faves · May 2, 2009 1:30pm






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