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The Angry Voices
They want to burst out
The violent thoughts in my head
They scream! They shout!
I want them all dead!
They want me to kill
Make them feel pain
Make their blood spill
Am I insane?
Sure they smile
But soon they will cry
And all the while
Inside I will die.
I will bring them down
Everyone with me
They will all drown
In my misery.
A gun or knife
Is all I need
To end their life
And be free.
The voices all tell
Of lies and deceit
They make me want to yell
And admit defeat.
Which is really me?
I am more than one
What can I be?
The moon or sun?
I am in two
The sunset and and the dawn
There is nothing I can do
I am already gone
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The Angry Voices They want to burst out The violent thoughts

1 faves · Apr 26, 2009 12:16pm