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He's my best friend.
We tease each other constantly, and
there never seems to be a pause in
our conversations because we never
run out of things to talk about.
He talks about sports, I talk about
clothes, we're like brother and sister,
only without the fighting.
I was there when he broke up with
his first girlfriend and watched him pretend
not to care.
I always listen when we talk on AIM,
mostly about his new girlfriend,
and I can't tell him how much it hurts,
because he's too nice.
That's right, I'm totally and completely
in love with him.
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He's my best friend. We tease each other constantly, and there

69 faves · 2 comments · Apr 26, 2009 8:42am






Cheerx4life2007 · 1 decade ago
omfg you dont know how much this fits me. omg every single word is true for me. omg your like in my head!!!
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PhelpsPhan · 1 decade ago
omg this is like me and my friend...except he doesnt talk to me about that stuff a lot :(
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