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I cant help but think somewhere inside of you, - I'm there - somewhere between liking me
& loving me & everything in the middle, You got scared. The tingling & the butterflies terrifed
you. You didnt know what could of happened & what couldn't Call me crazy but i think you are
with her because you know she  doesnt have the same effect on you like i do. each time you
touch her, you dont feel a thing, every kiss  means nothing, You hold her hand just to look cute,
but me? i think i mean alot more to you than meaningless  kisses & empty feelings, I dont think you
can runaway from that feeling forever, I think you're just going to eventually have to be okay with the
fact that i make your stomach flip & your heart skip, Eventually you'll realize its the best feeling in the world 
but then it'll be tooo latee

* credit to teamjacob
xcept for last part.
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I cant help but think somewhere inside of you, - I'm there -

2 faves · Apr 21, 2009 8:53pm






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