Witty Profiles

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Name 13 people you can think of right off the top of your head.
Don't read the questions till you name the 13 people.
It's a lot more fun if you actually randomly put the names.

1 Dylann
2 Amelia
3 Sydney
4 Austy
5 Alex
6 David
7 Jay
8 Adam
9 Brianna
10 Jenn
11 David E
12 Cailyn
13 Chris

How did you meet 10?
through a friend

Have you seen 4 cry?

would 11 and 2 make a good couple?

Are you good friends with 13?
Hale yeaa

Do you think 5 is cute?

Something about number 1?
I want him.
How did you meet 8?

Whats 7's fav color?
No ideaa

What would you do if 6 confessed they liked you?
Already happened.

Fact bout 9?
Lying hoebag.
Would you ever live with 12?
 Is 2 single?
oh yeahhh and lovin it!

Where does 7 live?
Union New Jersey

What do you think about 2?
I think I love her.

What is the worst and best thing about 5?
Best: None
worst: He’s a lying player who can’t take a hint

Whos 11 going out with?
No one

What do you like about 3?
She’s my bestest friend foreveeee<333
Next Quote >

Name 13 people you can think of right off the top of your head.

0 faves · Apr 18, 2009 11:57pm




