Witty Profiles

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Name: kileyy
Nick Name: ky
Age: 13
Month Of Birthday: january.
Eye Color: hazel
Hair Color: blonde
Height: 5'2

Lefty or Righty: rightyy.
Zodiac Sign: capricorn.
Drive: my scooter.
Fav Color: pink
Number: 10
Band: jonas brothers
Movie: white chicks.
Cartoon: Phineas and Ferb haha
Sport: all star cheerleading and soccer
Fast Food: none trying to lay off the fast food
Ice Cream: moose tracks
chocolatee special k
Candy : kit kat
Drink: juice box.
Have Any Siblings:2 sisters
Have Any Fears:
Want To Go To College: ya
Get Along With Your Parents: yeah.

Swear: rarely
Boyfriend/girlfriend: blake
Have A Crush On Someone: ya jen =]
Been Dumped: yup
Dumped Someone: yup

Rock Or Rap: both
Chocolate Or Vanilla: vanilla
French Toast Or French Fries: french fries!
Strawberries Or Blueberries: strawberries :]
Cookies Or Muffins: muffins 
Winter Or Spring Break: springg
Danced In Public: ya
Smiled For No Reason: yupp
Laughed So Hard You Cried: many times.
Talked To A Stranger: yaa.
Like Being Tickled: no way!
What Are Your expectations : to be respectfull
Are Your Fingers Tired: nooooo
Tired Of This Survey:  no but it was weird
Happy Now: no never.

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Name: kileyy Nick Name: ky Age: 13 Month Of Birthday: january.

0 faves · Apr 15, 2009 10:07pm




