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If you can’t disagree with a woman without reaching for all those filthy old insults, screw you and your politics.
“I’m sick of ‘liberal’ men whose mask slips every time a woman displeases them, who reach immediately for crude and humiliating words.
“When you do this, Mr. Liberal Cool Guy, you ally yourself, wittingly or not, with the men who send women violent p.ornographic images and r.ape threats, who try by every means possible to intimidate women out of politics and public spaces, both real and digital.

“Every woman I know who has dared express an opinion publicly has endured this kind of abuse at least once, rooted in an apparent determination to humiliate or intimidate her on the basis that she is female.
“Femaleness is not a design flaw. If your immediate response to a woman who displeases you is to call her a synonym for her v.ulva, or compare her to a p.rostitute, then drop the pretense and own it: you're not a liberal.” 
—J.K. Rowling
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“If you can’t disagree with a woman without reaching

5 faves · Jun 12, 2017 3:25am





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