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i see now that our flaws
and damages should not be ignored or desensitized but harnessed and embraced — that all of our quirks and qualities have a part to play in the greater scheme of our lives and should never be silenced or drowned out. I believe now that a thing can be abused whether it is good or bad for us or both. That moderation is key in all areas of our lives because it gives us the opportunity to be the clearest and most sincere version of ourselves. However you choose to numb yourself — whether it is alcohol, weed, or something else altogether — why don’t you take a couple of weeks off and allow yourself the chance to be vulnerably, unapologetically you, to open yourself back up to the things that frighten you and rediscover how vital they really are to the strength and depth of your soul and heart, to learn that all of your broken, bruised, and brittle bits have important value too?

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i see now that our flaws and damages should not be ignored or

6 faves · May 9, 2016 2:23pm





inspirational · advice · selfacceptance · beautaplin · selfappreciation · quote

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