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A couple months ago, I was madly in love with this girl who ended up hurting me but I still can't get her out of my head and I wrote her this letter

To Her Next Boyfriend (even though she won’t have another one because she’s all mine and I’m never letting her go),

She will definitely give you her all. She’s very caring and super sweet. There’s never a time where I feel the slightest bit afraid or uncomfortable. I haven’t said this to her yet but she makes me safe and she somehow makes everything better.

She really likes her chocolate milk in the morning, so if she’s moody, ask her if she had any yet. She likes to refer to herself as a princess, since she is a princess, so call her that, I swear she’ll love it. Remind her how much you like her or else she’ll worry. While you’re at it, remind her how beautiful she is (isn’t she the most beautiful thing you have ever laid your eyes on?) and how lucky you are to have her because I swear, you’re the lucky one. She comes up with the cutest little sayings to substitute curse words like “bull hookey” and I promise it will make you smile and laugh all the time. She’s very protective over her family and you obviously have to deal with her momma’s shade (even though princess throws enough shade to cover a rainforest). She’s definitely a great big sister. On Thursdays, she has dance and she loves her kids so you gotta share her on Thursdays. She’s pretty clumsy honestly but it’s all cool because she’s absolutely perfect, in my eyes (hopefully yours too). She doesn’t like roses but she does like sunflowers. She’s very picky and she likes her fruits.

Now your opinions won’t always be the same but don’t expect her to change her views just to satisfy yours. Conversations with her may vary, they can go from something completely small and pointless to something so big and deep. When she tells you certain things you’ll be so proud of her. Everything she says and does is absolutely great and cherish every single moment.

Your family will love her, your friends will love her, and so will you. Her very essence will bury itself in your very core. There’s never a single instant where she isn’t on my mind. The smallest things will remind you of her and you’ll definitely smile like a fool, so definitely be prepared. Her words will immortalize you and I swear the things she says will manifest in your head. You’ll definitely be genuinely happy because of her.

Personally, I never thought I’d feel this way about anyone, especially now. You could ask just about anyone and they’ll tell you I would be the last person they expected to fall for someone this hard. I always said I had no intention to date this year, as it is senior year and that’s the time to be selfish, but here I am, falling so hard for the girl that NEEDS her chocolate milk in the morning. Right now, whenever I plan for the future, she’s always in it so be prepared. I really like how she’s adapted to me already and how she knows exactly how to deal with me when I’m moody.

Most importantly, please treat her with the utmost respect, honesty, and don’t be afraid to tell her how you feel. She’s like a drug and I’m addicted, and you will be too.

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A couple months ago, I was madly in love with this girl who ended

3 faves · Mar 1, 2016 11:50pm





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