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Friendship is a difficult thing to obtain and to hold.
if you screw up, you lose them.
if you keep them, they're there.
but are they truly there for you?

friends are there to support you through thick and thin
they should never leave your side based on what decision you make.
and fights are a presentation that they truly know you.

Question is what if you dont fight?

Are they just a fictional character there for you to manipulate?
like a chess game, everything is under your control
you choose where they go
You stratigize with them, to achieve a goal
But they'll always leave you eventually
then when by yourself, its checkmate.
or are you unconsiouslly using you or they're using you to gain a status and make yourself look like the bigger person.

are they a true friend if they guilt trip you?
are they a true friend if they date your ex boyfriend not long after you guys broke up?
is it ok to stop?
is it ok to end it?
is it ok to live on without them or stay behind their shadows.

which one will you choose?

p.s. this story / poem (not really a poem tho)
its true. i am having some difficulties with my friendship with this one girl, my best friend. she started dating my ex 3 weeks after we broke up and i was wondering what u guys thought on the subject, is she a true friend or not, or should i stay with her to the end? I been with her for years but this truly feels like a betrayal and i dk what to do!!! please help!

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Friendship is a difficult thing to obtain and to hold. if you

1 faves · 1 comments · Feb 4, 2016 10:53pm





breakup · friendship · poem · advice · story · quote

grownsimba · 8 years ago
If you feel betrayed, then she betrayed you.
Did she ask how you'd feel if she started dating your ex?
Me, I wouldn't date my best friend's ex, that's just bad form.
Maybe you just need to tell her how you feel, it might not change their relationship, but at least, you'll know that she knows.
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