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To be with him was almost like trying to be in love with a forest – a vast and never ending safe haven to run and hide when life became too complex. But no matter how well I thought I knew my way around him, I was still somehow always perpetually lost. And in trying to find my way, I discovered nothing more than an overgrown, untamed emotionless heart at his center that was harnessed only on a self-concerned need to survive. I went unnoticed, merely a guest within the deepest confines of someone, leaving only footprints as the only indication I was even there.

                                          —Lucy Quin


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“ To be with him was almost like trying to be in love with

9 faves · 1 comments · Jan 16, 2016 7:14pm





love · breakup · lucyquin · quote

jahn79* · 8 years ago
I know the forest well. Even footprints get over grown.
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