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IT HAPPENED SLOW at first, small arguments here and there, sleeping in opposite directions, waking up on far ends of the bed. But that was only the beginning. Soon came the forced laughter, the half smiles, the two of us speaking in a language of blinding white lies. Our secrets became a starless blanket of night between us. Then came the late nights, the numberless texts, the excuses, the false promises, her lipstick on my teeth, his cologne on your skin. In the end, what you and I shared was not a relationship at all but an awful, prolonged goodbye. The two of us, for whatever reason, were both too terrified to take the final leap, to find the courage to say “It's time”.


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IT HAPPENED SLOW at first, small arguments here and there, sleeping

4 faves · Nov 24, 2015 2:17am





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