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One Direction Update
Hey guys! Today the boys had their show in Belfast! And yes Liam was there as well! The boys have confirmed that the show that was cancelled last night has been rescheduled for this Friday night!

Also, after last night's update posted, the boys released their EP for Perfect! It includes the song plus a new song called Home which isn't on the album. It also has some other things on it like a Drag Me Down remix! You can download it on iTunes but I'll have a separate link for you to listen to it if you haven't already!

Tomorrow's Tour Info: The boys are performing at what was originally their last Belfast show at the Odyssey Arena! But like I said above they'll be there Friday as well!

This Day In 1D History: 

Rumors: None 

Links: Home 
The boys on stage tonight: Here's some pics of the boys on stage tonight: https://twitter.com/Our_BoysUpdates/status/656967690972631041
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One Direction Update 10/21/15 Hey guys! Today the boys had their

2 faves · 5 comments · Oct 21, 2015 11:52pm





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dreamer4eva333 · 8 years ago
Yeah, that's all we can do, right? And yeah, you'll know what you'll want to do about the updates when the time comes.

Yes, you'd get the chance to become friends with them, and honestly, it's hard to think of anything much better than that. :) Oh my, really? How did she do that? Yes, I would love to see those videos if you feel like sharing! :) Aw, that's so sweet! I love it when parents get into it and have their own favorite songs and favorite members. :) It's not your fault, pal. Sometimes those parties aren't really like parties, you know? They're just a chance to rest and get to know some other fans. I hope the second time's the charm. ;) I know, it's insane. These 4 years have been so short, but also so long. It's hard to comprehend, really.

Yes, I'm getting more excited every day! Oh, for sure! The boys have always been great singers, but they each have had times when they were reaching and not quite getting a note they way they wanted to. But now? Every single part, every note is just spot on. I'm so proud of them. :) Yes, I can't wait to hear some! Yeah, I've heard a lot of people say that about the acoustics, but I've never really felt that. Maybe my shower has bad acoustics, haha! You're welcome, pal. :)

Yes, I love when we do this. It's so much fun. :) Yes, it's so great when you're spot on and it's hilarious when you were way off, haha! I think that Long Way Down is going to be serious and slow, too. I'm thinking more along the lines of a relationship. It could be a break up song about losing someone and now you're falling (and it's a long way down). The first time I heard this, though, my instinct was of a couple who have been together for a long time, and they both know, (and this sort of rhymes), if they ended it now, it'd be a long way down. So...don't look down. This one is pretty unclear, though. What's the song from the FIOS soundtrack about?

Isn't it crazy to see him being a guest judge now? Who would have thought? I hope he has a great time. :) I haven't really been able to watch this year. How is it? Oh. My. God. It's so crazy to me that those are the same Harrys, you know? So much has stayed the same, but so much has changed, too. Wow. Here's another blast from the past: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CR-XdS4U8AEJW6E.jpg
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beary0630 · 8 years ago
Yeah right now things have been pretty exciting and stuff so I'm definitely into now. It's more Witty that's making things complicated. We'll see.

Definitely! I can't really think of anything better than that either! It would be a dream come true. I really don't know how she did it, but she has her stuff on iTunes and everything. If you ever want any info about it I can ask her. Yeah I'd love to share them with you! I'll just have to transfer them from my phone to the computer. Then I can email them to you! It's so fun when you're parents get into it! I really admire that your parents go to every show with you! Do they enjoy going or is it more that they want to be nearby to you? Yeah that's true too. Each stadium probably does their parties differently. The party may not have been perfect but at least I made it there! When look back on it as a whole, it genuinely doesn't feel like 4 years. Like no way has it been that long. That means we've known each other for 3! That boggles my mind too!

Yeah looking at that improvement makes me so proud. Like how there are a lot less of those Harry moments where he seems unsure about his performance. That makes me so happy. Haha maybe it does. One of the coolest places was when I was in 9th grade in choir we sang one of our songs in the stairwell. Now that was good acoustics. It was awesome! :)

Yeah it's the best when you're way off and then the actual meaning makes waaay more sense than what you thought. And I never know how I didn't think of it. That's a good suggestion! I always really like your ideas! And the one from FIOS is actually super sad. It's sung by Tom Odell and he's on a rooftop with a girl he loves and she wants to jump. And he's telling her not to go and that she's going to regret it because it's a long way down. Really really sad song. I hope the boys' song is a little more light than that.

I know! I can't wait to see him though. Out of all of the boys, he's the one I can see being a judge the most. I think he'd be so good at it. It's okay so far. Last year I found more people I really really liked. This year I haven't really attached myself to any one particular person. But there's some great people. Simon isn't too happy though because he has the overs and for whatever reason he really doesn't want that category. I think the boys are the strongest this year though. Yeah it is really crazy. He looks the same, yet different. I don't know if you saw but someone made a comment that in the Perfect music video when Harry is like against the wall, he looks like 2010 Harry. I think I might have faved or RTed it on Twitter if you haven't seen it.
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dreamer4eva333 · 8 years ago
Yes, things have been pretty exciting lately, huh? :) Hopefully, Witty will cooperate with you.

It really would be a dream come true. :) Yes, I would love if you could ask her about that! I'd love to know how that all works. Thank you so much for offering, pal! Great! I'm excited to see them! Well, my parents do really enjoy the shows, but I think they only go since we're in another state. If the whole point of the trip is to see the boys, why not actually go to the show? Yeah, all that matters is that you tried it out, and now you've learned from your experience. What?! Oh my gosh, 3 years is crazy! I can't believe it! :)

Yes, Harry used to cringe whenever he made a mistake, and now, he seems to treat himself the way he treats everyone- with love and kindness. Ooh, that sounds cool! What was the song?

Yes, that is great! It's nice to be right, but it's also so much fun to be surprised by a song and think, "Oh, I hadn't thought of it that way!" Thank you, Jenny! I always like yours, too. :) Wow, that is so sad. :( I doubt that the boys would have a song with the same title and meaning, though. Is that song good?

Yes, I think he'll be great at it! I hope I get the chance to see him in action! :) Oh, really? Maybe you'll find someone you really like once they get to the live shows. Didn't the same thing happen last year with Simon? I really don't like it when a judge complains like that, because you're belittling the group you're meant to be helping, you know? No, I haven't seen that! Would you possibly have a link?
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beary0630 · 8 years ago
I just realized that I never sent you your link from last time! Thank you for that lovely Harry from the OWOA video! I remember that time like it was yesterday! Here's the boys looking nice of the Perfect single: http://harrystyles.com/post/130883139119
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beary0630 · 8 years ago
Yeah I want it to! I just wish more people knew about it. Like people who weren't on it before when it was more popular. I think if it got popular again people would really like it and we could reach out to other 1D fans.

Okay! I will definitely ask her when I get the chance! I'm sure she'd be happy to answer any questions! Yeah that's a good point. I think I'd want to go too even if I wasn't a huge 1D fan. Yeah getting that experience is always a good thing. I'll always appreciate having it. It is crazy isn't it! And it all started with you asking about Harry's tattoos!

I love how he doesn't do that anymore. It really makes me happy just to see that confidence in him. The song was called a Christmas Carol. I forget who it's by but it was kind of a lilting slow but really beautiful with its harmony. I wished we could have sung it again.

I like being surprised about them too. I've said this before but the guessing stage is the best part of album season. Except for getting the actual music of course. Yeah it is a really sad song but super good. I think they have it on the soundtrack because it has to do with someone not wanting their loved one to die. It's pretty good though. But on a happier note, let's talk about Never Enough! Like others have said, I think this could definitely be a ;) kind of song. But I was also thinking perhaps it could be about the fans. How the boys maybe feel like they're never able to do enough for us at times. Or how people keep demanding so much for them and it's never enough. But I'd like to think it's a ;) song because that would be more on a happy note. According to Wikipedia Niall was the main writer of it, so who knows!

Yeah I think it's on tonight actually! It's judges houses, I just don't know if they'll show the overs tonight or if that will be tomorrow. And yeah Simon did get the overs last year but I think the category was stronger last year. And I totally agree, I mean he literally said I don't want to work with these people right to their faces and said they were disappointing and worst category you could get. That's just terrible to say. Like you said, you're supposed to be mentoring these people and helping them to improve. I just hope he gets over it and treats them better. Because there really are talented people in that category. Yeah! I'll try to find it. I'm at work at the moment so I can't do links but it'll probably be here by the time you see this anyway. :)
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