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One Direction Update

Hey everyone! Today was the boys' day off! Liam and Louis are in New York. Harry is somewhere in Pennsylvania near the colleges in the Philadelphia area! Niall has been feeling a bit under the weather and wanted some time alone. So I really don't know where he is at the moment!

Tomorrow's Tour Info: The boys have their next show in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania at Lincoln Financial Field!! I am going to this show so I will definitely be posting my pictures and videos for you guys to see! 

This Day In 1D History: 

Rumors: None

Links: Harry today: 

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One Direction Update 8/31/15 Hey everyone! Today was the boys'

2 faves · 2 comments · Sep 1, 2015 12:05am





onedirection · onedirectionupdate · quote

dreamer4eva333 · 8 years ago
So what big things have you been online for? Were you online when MM leaked? Or Four? Now that it's September, we might be getting some album news really soon! :) Yeah, but is that how leaking works? People look for things the boys have announced that are supposed to come out soon? Well, whatever the case is, I just hope we get some new stuff to look forward to soon and no leaks! :) Honestly, the tracklist brings me weeks of happiness. It's very high on the list of things I'm looking forward to!

Isn't it strange to remember how self-conscious he used to be when now he just exudes confidence? I'm just so proud of how far he's come in that part of his life. :) Yay! I'm glad you got a good nap and some more excitement! Oh, I'm sorry, pal. :( I'll be here for you tomorrow. I promise, I'll talk to you every chance I get. It'll all be okay. There's nothing to be afraid of. :') And maybe...could you call in sick? If you want to talk about any of those other issues at any time, you can definitely tell me in a DM. Oh hey! We had the same idea. :)

Yeah, why worry about something you can't control? Honestly, I expect them to do a very small-scale tour next year-maybe 2 months and just the US and Europe. I mean, it would be strange for them not to go on tour for the fifth album. But if we keep thinking about it, it'll just drive us crazy. We just have to hold on, trust the boys, and remember that everything will be okay. Yes, but I've learned positive thinking helps you so much. That and talking about how you're feeling. I'm going to be here through all of it, so please, don't hold back. Let it all out-the good and the bad. :)
Oh, pal! I'm so happy you got to experience this. I can't wait to hear all about it whenever you're ready. I hope it was beyond-words incredible. :')

Haha! That is a good idea! I like it. :) I really enjoyed it, too! It was nice to just sit back and admire him. :) Did I ever tell you about our little moment? I did, thanks! It was good. :) Who's that guy? And why is he so lovely? ;) This may be too soon or it may be just what you need right now (from tonight's show) :) https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CN3ymm2U8AAhFPv.jpg

Well...I feel bad that I didn't see this earlier. Did everything work out okay? I'm sorry I couldn't get to you sooner!

Again, I hope it was incredible, Jenny. :)

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beary0630 · 8 years ago
I was fortunate to be online for most of the things that happened. I was awake and online for MM and Four. The thing that bothered me the most was back in the summer of 2012, the boys did 3 twitcams in a row at night when I was sleeping. I missed every single one of them. But until the DMD stuff happened I didn’t miss much of anything! Yes! I’m hoping for some news soon too! Really it should be happening any time now! And I honestly have no clue how leaking works. I guess someone gets ahold of things somehow. Maybe people who know how to hack into computers or something are able to do it. Same here! The tracklist is definitely my favorite part of album time other than hearing the album itself of course!

I’m super proud of him too! I just know that he had issues with his confidence back then and to see how far he comes makes me feel so proud of him. And that’s part of why he’s such a great role model. Yeah it was tough at work the day after the show. I was so tired and the PCD was kicking in. I was off all day. But every day has been better. I still miss them but I feel in my heart that they’ll be back again someday. And as for the other stuff that was about what I told in in DM earlier. Thank you for being there for me.

Yeah I don’t think the boys would lie to us. They promised they’d be back and I believe them. Even if they just do shows in the big cities like NYC or LA, we can still have the chance to go. I’m sure you’ve heard about McFly/McBusted. One year they did a small tour and they just went to London, LA and NYC. I unfortunately didn’t get to see them but they did two shows in each city and that was it. So the boys could do something like that too. Also on that subject, McFly also did a hiatus but it was for 2 whole years! And they came back too! So I don’t think we have anything to worry about. Keep thinking positive thoughts!
Well, I already told you some of it but I’ll have my full summary out soon! It was so awesome! I still haven’t taken off my wristband!

Well, I didn’t need to take a pic of him. I just yelled really loud! Whatever works right?! It was very nice to enjoy him! That’s good to hear! Did you do anything special? I think God definitely added a lot of lovleyness when he made Harry! Oh it’s not too soon! I feel like I remember that! He looks so cute! Here’s Harry from the Baltimore show: http://harryniips.tumblr.com/post/128381533189/xivegotstylesx-otra-baltimore-8815-curls

It’s fine Katie! I figured everything out! The thing with the bag wasn’t even an issue. No one there was even checking bags. It as waaaay more strict last year. And everything else worked out just fine too. I made it to the party and everything!

Thank you so much for all of the warm wishes! :)

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