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One Direction Update

Hey guys! Unfortunately this will be another update without links as I'm on my iPad again.  So if you missed it yesterday, Louis had his charity Cinderella Ball in London! Liam was there as well! He ended up raising 2 million pounds! That's a wonderful achievement if you ask me! 

As as for the other boys Harry is also in London. The last I heard, Niall has been in Miami. That may have changed by now though.

Rumors: Modest emailed a girl so she could be Harry's beard. Status: FALSE There is no way that email going around is real. I haven't even really looked at it but I don't have to to know its not true. 

Also yesterday, at the ball there was a video of someone saying that Louis was going to be a dad and then Louis saying "no I'm not". I saw th video and to me I couldn't really hear what was being said well enough to say what I think. So I really don't have a good answer as to whether or not this is true.  Any opinions are welcome. 

So I just want to take the time to say that if you've been reading these updates lately, you'll know that I've been having trouble getting things to work. Witty only seems to load on my actual laptop maybe one day a week so most of the time I'm here on my iPad where it's super hard to post links. So basically what I'm saying is so I'm not repeating myself every single day, if there's no links you know why. I totally want to post them, but lately it's just been frustrating because nothing works. If anyone has any tips or suggestions on posting links with iPads i would really appreciate hearing them! 

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One Direction Update 8/11/15 Hey guys! Unfortunately this will

4 faves · 1 comments · Aug 11, 2015 11:22pm





onedirection · onedirectionupdate · quote

dreamer4eva333 · 8 years ago
Hey, pal! I'm sorry it's been a while since we've talked. I've just been busy and tired and my twitter has locked me out and...yeah. I'm sorry. :( But I'm here now! I wish I could do the update tonight, but as technology isn't quite loving me either, I don't think I can. I'm so sorry. :(

Yes, it's so nice how the timing of that works out so well. As it gets closer, I keep thinking about how great it will be to go to Target and get the album and listen to it in my basement for hours for the first time ever. I just can't wait for that feeling again. I don't think the album will come out that much earlier. Drag Me Down did, but I think it'll still be November when it comes out. Yes, why worry about tomorrow? As the Bible says, "Tomorrow will take care of itself." Or at least I'm pretty sure it says that, haha :)

Yes, logic can really get to your head and screw things up. But listening to your heart always is the best way to go. :)

Oh yeah? I can imagine how that would be tough. When people see someone who seriously loves a boyband, they usually automatically classify them as shallow. Those people don't take anything you say seriously, because hey, you're just the girl who likes the boyband. I didn't get that reputation until the boys, but again, I didn't mind. I just chose to pay attention to the people who didn't judge me instead of those who did, which was definitely hard sometimes, but worth it. Oh my gosh, I haven't thought of that in ages! I do remember those fights! Even now sometimes, I feel like I'm less of a fan since I wasn't here since the very beginning or like I'm a bit of a better fan because I was one of the earlier American fans, but it really doesn't matter at all. Yeah, it was a bit anticlimactic, huh? It was also so weird that most of the fan base didn't ask, "Wait, was that it?" or at least I didn't see many people doing that. And yeah, it doesn't really relate to 1D and more importantly, it shouldn't. I'm pretty sure the boys don't want to announce exciting moments in their personal life as "epic announcements" on live TV. Yeah, I did hear about that...I honestly don't know what to think. Right now, I'm just thinking that he is going to have a baby but anything legitimate can change my mind. So whatever happens happens. Yes, unless I'm visiting Kyle. But let's pray that whatever happens, it works out well for both of us! Yeah, I can imagine how nice that must feel. I wish I could recapture that feeling like that. Next year, I think I'll definitely take a few. Yes, it is nice. I like to party, but only at specific types of parties, and that was definitely my kind of party. :) I think you'll really enjoy it, or at least I hope you do. And don't worry, for my show they lead us straight from the line to the party, so you couldn't really get lost. My advice would be to try to introduce yourselves to others and don't be afraid to ask if you can hang out with them. The "I'm here by myself" line always gets you friends, haha :) No, you're not weird! Almost everyone there needed water, too. I needed it, too, but I couldn't get it because...well, I'll explain that in my summary, which is by the way, coming soon. :) Yes, thank you! That's a better explanation. :)

Yeah, I think he does express them with certain people, but definitely not everyone. Though, now that he's left the band, he's been a lot more open on social media and stuff. It's strange to me, because he could have done almost everything he's doing now while he was in One Direction, too. But again, we're never going to see this whole thing clearly, so why bother. Yeah, and I think it's good that she has such a good group of friends to help her through, too. :) Yes, that was one of the best things we got out of this-now the boys understand a bit better just how much we love them. That's priceless. :) Yes, watch it when it feels right. Honestly, I think watching one of their movies right now would make me feel a bit sad, but interviews and videos of youtube are fine. There's no real reason why, but you know, you just have to do what feels right. :)
Oh yeah, my sister watches a lot of anime and it seems like someone is always dying or losing a limb in those. Lot of ships sinking...

Shoot, I really wish the right time had come by now. Hopefully soon. :) Thank you, pal! Yes, I'd love to go there with you! and of course, you know who's there now. Thanks, Niall... ;)

Well, I think a serious video could work if done properly. In other words, if the boys were actually serious rather than being told to be serious. Does that make sense? Anyways, yes! I have a feeling this one will be funny and hopefully really, really good. :) Do you think they're just going to release it out of nowhere like last time? Oh yay! I can't wait to see them all! :) Here's someone cute :) http://jawllines.tumblr.com/post/126634275769

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