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Hello my dear, 
You are sorta the best thing ever! You have turned me from a lonely man with no dreams of happiness into someone who cant imagine being any happier. I m seriosuly the happiest man in the world. You are seriously the best thing that ever steped into my life. I am so lucky that I chose that day of orientation, and so lucky that I had david to introduce me to everyone. and that you had met ally previously. Either way im so happy your in my life and im so lucky to have found somone so perfect. I honestly dont know what you exactly you see in me, I mean im kinda just a weak nerd who wont really do much. I dont know what I did tto deserve someone so amazing like you but im so gad I did. Your the best babe, and i love you sooooo much. Thanks for beig perfect. ove you!!! Im never gonna leave your side babe :) 

your knight and protector, your lover and one, and finaly your babe 
zach :) 
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Hello my dear, You are sorta the best thing ever! You have turned

4 faves · 1 comments · Jul 29, 2015 4:59pm





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