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"I was laying in my bed this morning and all of a sudden I
 got this really sharp pain right by my heart. I felt like I
was getting stabbed in the heart. It lasted for about 15

seconds. My thoughts were racing and I was trying to
breathe heavy to get it to go away and  I thought I was
going to die. And this is the part where it applies to
every single one of you, I've tried taking my life away
before. I've wanted to die so many times in my life, but
when I felt something was going to kill me without
my control, all of those thoughts stopped. In my mind I
was begging I would be okay. No matter how much you
hate the world, no matter how much you hate yourself,
there are answers better than death. Believe
Me. There are people who love you. I love you, for crying
out loud. There are people who would be a wreck  if you
were gone.  There is a reason we are all on this Earth. I
promise you, even if you can't see it now .
 And if you're
feeling alone, know that the world can be a lonely place
but it would be lonelier without you in it."

-Hayley Williams


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"I was laying in my bed this morning and all of a sudden

2 faves · Mar 14, 2015 3:57pm





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