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that text..

don't lie, i know you've gotten it..
the message that broke your heart?
ever received a text from someone,
doesn't matter if you woke up to it,
maybe you got it during the day,
or right before you went to bed.
you just picked up your phone 
and saw this super long message.
filled with words that hurt you.
that completely changed your mood.
that stopped you from breathing
and just put you in total disbelief.
that everything you guys went through,
ended right there by that text message.
crazy just how bad that can hurt../:


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that text.. don't lie, i know you've gotten it.. the

12 faves · 4 comments · Mar 7, 2015 4:25pm

Were all mad here*


Were all mad here*


love · sad · quote

kiwi* · 9 years ago
i didn't even really get a text message about it, either... there's a guy i've liked basically since i met him, and we were so close to going out last year, but i told him no because i wasn't ready (and i really wasn't), only to find out he was with another girl and telling her 'i love you' three weeks later. now, around 8 months later, i still like him, and i'm just finding out that he and one of my really good friends like each other. i only know because i got nosy and asked about something that wasn't my business. everyone, including my sister, knew, but me, and i wouldn't have known about it until they made their dating public and official. i'm always left in the dark. always.
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seafoam* · 9 years ago
I never even got so much as a text message. The Ć¢sshole didn't even have the guts to tell me our friendship was over -- I had to come to the conclusion myself.
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Were all mad here* · 9 years ago
That's the worst. I've had that before, but i started talking to her again.
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seafoam* · 9 years ago
I used to want more than anything for him to come back into my life, but now I know I'm much better off. If someone drops you like you're nothing, you don't need them. It's been the hardest thing I've ever done, but I've finally learned to breathe without him.
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