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One Direction Update 
2/8/15 1:15 PM EST
Hey everyone! Today was yet another day on stage in Sydney! The boys have the next two days off before heading to their next stop in Brisbane! They might stay in Sydney for a bit or head there next! 

Rumors: None

Links: The boys on stage today: 
Loui, Liam and Niall on stage: https://twitter.com/About1D_/status/564441670113296384
BSE performance last night: http://t.co/ZulIzrCaBm

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One Direction Update 2/8/15 1:15 PM EST Hey everyone! Today

4 faves · 2 comments · Feb 8, 2015 5:25pm





onedirection · onedirectionupdate · quote

dreamer4eva333 · 9 years ago
Gosh, I'm so sorry, pal. That must be really rough for you. :(

Oh, that's cool. I thought you meant Magic the group who sang "Rude", then I thought you just meant magic in general. If it's neither of those things, I probably don't know what it is, haha!

That's alright, pal! All the good pictures and stuff come out in the morning anyways. And yes, I definitely think it's just this way for AU and Asia and Africa. I would be very, very surprised if it's the same for Europe and America. But who knows, I guess we'll just have to wait and see! Either way, the tour has been great and everyone seems so happy and well. :) Oh, I'm sorry it didn't work! But thank you for that wonderful picture! I love seeing him onstage looking so happy. :) Here's something I'm sure you loved ;) http://harrysgotnochill.tumblr.com/post/110442868147/harry-trying-to-get-niall-to-take-off-his

That's good! Now I have to ask...Has anything else happened yet? I mean, are you going to get another chance to see each other before the store closes?

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beary0630 · 9 years ago
It is but I'm not too terribly worried right now. I just plan to stick with this as long as I can but still look for other jobs so that I have something to fall back on.

Haha yeah don't worry about it. I don't really know what it is either. I guess it's like a card game? He and another co worker play it so it must be pretty popular somewhere!

That's true. People always post the best stuff in the morning. Probably because they were way too tired at night to post anything. And yeah I'm assuming that's the reason why the set is so similar to last year. Since they didn't get WWA they are probably trying to give them a bit of both. It's not that I really mind the set it's just more that I'm sad that some of my top favorites from Four aren't there. But like you said, there's a decent chance that they'll change it! And yeah can't you just see the boost in energy that they have now? They just look so excited and into everything! You can tell that they are happy based on their tweets too. And that's okay. Sometimes people delete links before we get the chance to see them. Ah! Thanks for that! That's one of those moments where I'm like "Niall why?!!" Here's a lovely photoset from the other night: http://ashtoniwir.tumblr.com/post/110542065543/february-7-2015-sydney-australia

Well this week our schedules definitely conflict a lot. We aren't scheduled together as much. A little bit but not as much as I'd like. I saw him Friday and I won't see him again until Wednesday! But we talk almost all the time and he's just been telling me how happy he is and that he just likes me so much and nice stuff like that. He told me he's never felt the way I make him feel before. So I know his feelings are true. He also said he's wants to surprise me so who knows what that might be! I also think he's waiting until things settle down with work, so I don't blame him there. Forever waiting! :)
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