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It sickens me to see people forever judge a recovering addict. Society stereotypes them in such a terrible way and continually reminds them of their past and the person they were. Anyone that I share anything with about my life will eventually know my truths as a recovery addict. As soon as I admit to it most peoples entire demeanor changes towards me. Its like they automatically see me as no good and as a threat and they take two steps back. I realize that when I was active in my addiction I done things that werent right and that hurt other people. But to become better I had to go through 12 steps that took me down a path of accountability that most never go through their entire lives. Just look at the 12 steps. I had to turn my will over to God and acknowledge that only He could fix me. I had to go deep and far within myself and take moral inventory of myself. I had to admit to as many as possible my wrongs and take accountability for them. All of these things humbled me and made me very self aware. I had to get on my knees to God and pray so hard for Him to remove all my short comings. I literally had to write a list of everyone that I had wronged or hurt and I had to try to make amends with them. I dont know many people that have had to take that kinda personal inventory. Recovering addicts are the most humble accountable honest people I know. We've paid our dues and have came out better for it. So the next time you decide to judge one maybe you should consider the 12 steps first. I know who WAS. You dont have to constantly remind me. But give me a chance to show you who I am NOW Most of you havent looked that deep within yourself as I have cause you are too scared to. I have owned my mistakes and stood up and took accountabilty of them. Have you owned yours?
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It sickens me to see people forever judge a recovering addict.

3 faves · Jan 5, 2015 3:52pm





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