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I love him. there. i said it. all i want is to talk with him, be with him. have him be with me. he doesnt love me. he doesnt feel this hollownes in his heart when he thinks of me, as i feel when i think of him. it will never happen. why? he has his heart set on other people, but all i want is him. he wont ask me to the dance next week, or any other dances. no matter how sweet i am to him, or no matter how many times i catch him staring at me, or when we lock eyes for just a few seconds, he will never feel the same thing i do over him. or does he? i dont know. it feels as though he's flirting, but then he completely drops it, and it's gone. why does he do that? why wont he ask? he knows i like him. he must not like me. or else he would ask.
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I love him. there. i said it. all i want is to talk with him,

7 faves · Oct 24, 2014 5:46pm





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