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F.uck age.
F.uck the insecurities, and the paranoia, and the constant fear.
No one can put a number on how you feel. It doesn't matter if you are 14 or 41.
When you find the person you love--the one sure thing that is guaranteed
to brighten your day, the one person who makes you smile no matter what,
the one person who understands you in a whole new way, don't let yourself
be denied that truth.
Don't let fear keep you from telling that person how you feel. Because we have
such short lives, and when you feel that way about someone, they deserve to
know they are doing something right.
And in the toxic world we live in, a lot of people need to know they're loved.
It doesn't matter how old you are. It doesn't matter who says "Oh, but that can't be. They're only _____."
They aren't you, and they don't know how you feel.
And perhaps you should stop denying yourself the joy of loving someone openly.

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F.uck age. F.uck the insecurities, and the paranoia, and the

11 faves · Sep 27, 2014 6:58am

*Yours Truly*


*Yours Truly*


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