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All these rappers brag
about being former
Yet they complain about us illegally downloading their music.
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All these rappers bragabout being formercriminals...Yet they

15 faves · 2 comments · Sep 1, 2014 5:55pm





true · story · quote

Gpc11 · 9 years ago
Think about it for a sec.. Lil Wayne for example he don't even have to brag about his crimes verbally to the public about his resent trips to jail because his actions speaks for it alone expecting ppl to think not to mess with this bad or else.. On the other hand while sitting in jail and not being able to work on their new songs or albums not makn money all he thinks of is damn ppl ilegally downloading free music of his and not making a cent from an actual album online tht cost money making him feel ripped off from all the hard work he put in to make his fans happy with taking a toll on feeling lol all his hard work was for nothing.
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icannottellalie · 9 years ago
do you have evidence cause personally, i've never heard or seen that.
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