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One Direction Update
Hey guys! Not too totally much to update on tonight! The boys had the day off! I believe Liam and Niall are already in Chicago. Niall spent the whole day in bed watching tennis according to his tweets. (Perhaps they'll go out for Liam's birthday?) Zayn and Louis were in Rosemont. And Harry went to a Packers game in Wisconsin!

Tomorrow's Tour Info: The boys are hitting the stage in Chicago at Soldier Field! It better be a special one, you know not that it's anyone's birthday or anything!

Rumors: None

Links: Harry today at the game: 
Louis and a fan today: http://t.co/53gyzHaCBF

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One Direction Update 8/28/2014 Hey guys! Not too totally much

6 faves · 3 comments · Aug 29, 2014 12:07am





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dreamer4eva333 · 9 years ago
And sorry, here's a link! Forgot it! http://33.media.tumblr.com/222b2537344c7803987a9f55c59a382a/tumblr_nb3d07wtKE1ra1ly1o1_500.gif

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dreamer4eva333 · 9 years ago
Hey, pal. First of all, I just need to get something off my chest. Today wasn't such a great day for my family. This being a public message, I don't want to go into too much detail, but today my family got an emergency call from my sister's counselor saying she was distraught and we needed to take her to the emergency room. We did, and we spent most of the day there creating a safety plan for my sister. I don't think I've ever told you this, but my sister suffers from depression. Anyways, things are rough, so I just wanted to tell you and ask you for your prayers. My family and my sister in particular really needs them. Thank you.

Yeah, they have experienced so many things first-hand. It's sometimes hard to remember that they're only 20 and are still finding their way like the rest of us. And you're right, we've all learned a thing or 2 since finding the boys!

Shoot, I'm not sure if I can. Darn it! I'll look for you if I come on though, for sure. I'm sorry. We'll definitely find a time soon, okay?
I hope you like him! And wow, your boss does sound like a real problem. Searching purses is unacceptable and as my lawyer mother has informed me, him asking you those types of questions can be considered as sexual harassment. Don't be afraid to speak up if this kind of behavior goes on.
Oh my gosh, that's so crazy. I hope nothing like that happens ever again!

That's a good way to put it. He's unabashedly himself, but he does hide his emotions. I'm glad we all get to see and know him for who he is. And of course it would be great to see and know those other sides of him. :)
Me, too! I just can't wait for that time of year full of announcements and news and new stuff! I just can't believe this will be their 2th album!

Well, I'm the real baker in the group, so maybe I could whip you up something and you and Niall can share it. Sound good?

I understand why you still feel bad about it once in a while. Something like that, where you know you could have hurt someone's feelings, is never something you just laugh off. Even if you were young and didn't know better, it's still hard to think about.

I really like history, too! You're not weird at all (either that or we're both really weird)!
I'm glad you liked them! I just loved seeing them all together and just messing around like the olden days. :) Thank you for the Harry gif. It's really nice. I also love the Captain Sexy picture, haha! I can't believe little Liam is the big 2-1! Mrs. Payne must have cried loads today..I hope she had a lot of tissues.

Thank you for the tips! That does sound like a beautiful poster and it sucks that she had to cut parts of it off. My poster is the size of a standard poster that you'd get at like King Soopers (do you have King Soopers in the East?). Is that alright? And thank you for the other tip, too. I'll probably hold it during the slow songs where he's right in front of me on the catwalk. What did you try to hold up during Strong?

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beary0630 · 9 years ago
Hey I'm really sorry to hear about that. I've told you a bit about my issues so I totally know where she's coming from. I hope things get better for her. I actually saw this last night right before bed and prayed right away. So good luck to all of you and I hope things start looking up for her soon. And if you want/need to talk about it feel free to message me on Twitter where it's more private.

Ugh it really bothers me that they're all almost 21. Like I remember a few years ago thinking, oh they still have a few years until they're legal in the US. And now it's here! Why does time fly by so fast?

It's okay. It's not your fault. My work schedule is so busy it's almost impossible to find a time where we are both free. And the 2 hour time difference doesn't help either. But we'll definitely pick and day soon!
Yeah I met the new guy today and he's really nice! He's hilarious actually. So he should be a good fit. And I was actually going to ask you to ask your mom about that. I thought it was considered harassment! I'm definitely going to report it if it happens again. And get this. Today he told me and the assistant manager that he wants to be more "hands off". We were like so shocked because he already barely does anything. This dude needs to go!
Yeah well we have a plan now for if they ever come back. But hopefully we won't even have to use it.

Yeah Harry is kind of an oxymoron in way. He's so simple yet complicated. He is who is he is and he's not afraid to show it yet there's the hidden side. But he's our oxymoron! And we love him no matter what!
I know! This time of year is always the best! We usually get a new announcement each week!

Oh yeah, I know how much you love to bake. I'd definitely like to try one of your desserts!

Yeah it's one of those things I regret doing. I wasn't always the best behaved in my younger years. I feel bad for my parents! I'd like to think I'm much better now!

That's awesome! I don't know I just like learning about things that happened in the past. I find it so interesting. And I'm glad to know we are weird together. I like being different from the norm.
Ah great! I knew you'd like that pic! I actually searched sexy Liam Payne and found that. And oh yeah Mrs. Payne must've been emotional. And oh dear that Narry gif! Not gonna lie that's really hot! That's similar to what Liam did to me.. ah the memories! And hmm... let me see... if I'm not mistaken there's someone else I know who has a birthday. Oh yeah, YOU! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! You are 16 and you can get a job and learn to drive and have tons of fun!! (Still feel bad for forgetting your 15th and you know I'll never forget again!) Did you do anything fun today? And here's something I made for you last night: http://beary0630.tumblr.com/post/96228079199/happy-birthday-to-one-of-my-bestest-pals
And I also found this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-h_-bXQaAHU
I hope it was a really great day!!

Yeah I felt so bad for her! And actually we don't have King Soopers here. We have Giant haha. But I think I know about the size you mean. The best way to know is to wait for the email from your stadium, they tell you the dimensions you can have. And I held up this little heart that says You Make Us Strong. We all held it up!
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