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One Direction Update
8/27/14 11:45 PM EDT
Hey everyone! Today the boys are in St. Louis, Missouri! They are just wrapping up their show there! They won't be staying there overnight at all and will most likely be heading to Chicago for their next show which is on Friday aka Liam's Birthday! 

The boys have the day off tomorrow!

Rumors: None

Links: The boys on stage tonight: 

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One Direction Update 8/27/14 11:45 PM EDT Hey everyone! Today

6 faves · 2 comments · Aug 27, 2014 11:40pm





onedirection · onedirectionupdate · quote

dreamer4eva333 · 9 years ago
Exactly. You get so much more knowledge from actually experiencing the world rather than just reading about it. I think that's one of the reasons the boys are so smart. Harry and Niall may only have a 10th grade education, but they've learned more than most adults ever will. And yeah, being a fan makes you much less innocent, from both the boys and the fans, haha.
Yeah, I'd love that, too! Let's see, although you're working Labor Day, is there a chance we could still chat or something? If not, we can find another day to do it. And no problem, I love to help. Just say the word, and I'm there!
I'm glad he's not coming back, and I hope you like the new guy. Hopefully he'll be a good help! And oh my, that's so inappropriate. Did you ever think of reporting him at the time? You definitely, definitely should if it happens again. When you told me how much he knew about your relationship, I always thought he got a little too involved, but that is just out of line.
Oh my gosh! That sounds bad! How was she threatening you? Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry. I'm glad she's banned, so hopefully you'll never have to see her again. I hope you're okay, pal, and I hope your job turns around soon.

Yeah, I get what you mean. I don't think Harry hides a huge part of who he is or has a big secret, like I think if he was gay or had a long lost twin or something, he'd just come out and say it. He never acts as if he's something he's not or like he has to be. He's Harry, in his true blue self, but there are definitely sides of him that are not on display. Like you said, you can sometimes see his vulnerability, but it's never clearly stripped away. It's protected. But anyways, I would be honored to know that part of him, and I'm sure I would love it, too. :)
I didn't hear that! I hope it's true (that's the day after my concert)! Or maybe we'll get something even sooner!

That sounds very nice. I'll have to relay it to Niall, so he knows EXACTLY what to do. ;)

I know. When do I get to the point where it's funny and I can laugh about it?

Hmm..good question. I'd definitely teach something along the music line, whether it be music history or choir or something.
You're right, they would totally be friends wherever and however they met. At least I strongly think so. And that's okay about the links! We're even indeed! Here;s the 2 links I tried to send you :) vine.co/v/MLDxnQPAiaW

Thank you! And I miss them, too. :')

Thanks for the advice! You don't think other people would be mad at me if I hold it up once in a while?
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beary0630 · 9 years ago
Totally! I mean the Niall and Harry definitely know more about the world than me because they've lived it and been there. What I know is from other people, they've been there first hand. And I don't think any of us are as innocent as we were when we first started liking the boys.

Well, I work 11-7 my time. So if you were available some time after that at night I think I could go on. I used to have more free time at work to talk when the store was empty but lately I've been swamped!
And yeah I'm really glad too! I meet the new guy tomorrow so I'll tell you how good of a worker he is. And I wanted to report him but I didn't want to stir up trouble. My co worker is really considering reporting him for going through her purse. He said it's company policy but it's not. This man needs to leave ASAP!
I'm okay! It made me more angry than scared. And she basically was like "Do you want to take this outside?" So I took that as do you want to go outside and fight me? But like you said, hopefully I never see her again!

Yeah Harry is Harry and there's nothing behind it. I think more than anything he hides his feelings on things rather than who he is a person. We see who he is all the time: a kind generous person who wouldn't hurt a fly. That's why stories like After should never be written. And hopefully one day you can get to know that part of him!
Cool! I didn't even know that was right after the concert! That's great! I really hope we hear something soon!

Ok thank you! I'm glad to know that he will be prepared. And if he wants to make extra points he could always bring freshly baked chocolate chip cookies or brownies. It's his choice haha.

There's some things for me at least that I still can't laugh about it. Like one time I was really angry at a teacher and I said some really rude things thinking she couldn't hear. But I think she did. And even though I apologized and I actually had a great relationship with her after that, I still feel bad that it ever happened and I think of it from time to time.

Yeah I think that's what I'd go for too. Or just history in general. I'm weird I know but I actually like history!
Yeah those boys being together were meant to be. And nothing could ever change that. And thanks for those vines! I saw the second one of Twitter but not the first! I always love cute Niall moments! Here's a nice one of Harry! http://maddieweasley.tumblr.com/post/96132548445/artistichxrry-x
And here's a bonus one for missing yesterday. I think this one is appropriate considering whose special day it is! http://cdn.onedirection.net/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/Liam-Payne-Captain-Sexy.jpg

I don't think they'd be mad. But here's some things I forgot to say yesterday. 1. Make sure it's not really big. I saw this girl at my concert who had this beautiful sign that said Moments In Time and has pictures of all the boys' major accomplishments since XF. And since it was too big they made her cut part of it off right through the pictures. So I would hate to see your beautiful sign get ruined! 2. I only held something up during Strong and let's just say that my arms weren't as "strong" as I thought they'd be. They got so tired that quickly. So to conserve your energy, I'd hold it up when you know Harry's nearby. And keep it down sometimes so you can really get into the songs. But I hope he sees it because he will love it!
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