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One Direction Update
8/16/14 11:20 PM EDT
Hey guys! Tonight was the boys' first night in Detroit at Ford Field! The show just ended less than a half hour ago as of now! And Teenage Dirtbag is back! They sang a bit of it tonight!

Tomorrow's Tour Info: The boys are in Detroit for one more night!

Rumors: None

Links: The boys tonight in Detroit: http://t.co/KtLk7kf4zO
Here's the clip of the boys singing Teenage Dirtbag tonight: 
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One Direction Update 8/16/14 11:20 PM EDT Hey guys! Tonight was

5 faves · 2 comments · Aug 16, 2014 11:14pm





onedirection · onedirectionupdate · quote

dreamer4eva333 · 9 years ago
Yeah, I wish so, too. It would be such a blast and you'd have a memory of it forever! I hope you love your boots when you get them! Do you think you'll be able to wear them right away or have to wait til it gets colder? And yes, I can't wait to chat either! It's been a while.
I feel the same way. I feel like Fall is either going to be really, really amazing or it's just going to suck. Let's pray that it's the former (I meant former, right? Not latter, the latter's the most recent thing mentioned, right? Am I right? Oh well, you know what I mean :D)! I definitely want to work in retail, so Claires or something like that. Any suggestions of stores you know that hire 16 year olds (besides the W. Mandeville Bakery)?

Exactly, you go through horrible stress to experience wonderful euphoria! It's well-worth it in the end. :)

I know, I don't think I've ever heard a true story of the boys being rude. Whenever someone says the boys were rude, they themselves are usually the ones who were rude. I think people can sometimes be so blind to their own actions and expect everyone else to do exactly what they want. I don't think everyone means to be rude, they just get emotional and don't see how hurtful they're being. As Anne Frank said, everyone is fundamentally good. Everyone should try to show that good part of themselves, because it just makes the world a better place. Our boys are a wonderful example of that.

Yay, that sounds like a fun day! I know you'll have Niall on your mind as you eat up that tasty food! Can you believe he's almost 21? Wait a second, oh yeah, that's never happening, he's staying young forever, he's turning 17, right?! I hope you have relaxing days off. :) Exactly, they really are so normal. They had humble beginnings and they've stayed true to them. They don't act like millionaires, they act like regular teenage boys (although they aren't teenage boys, they're wonderful young men). And it's so great to have guys who are so relatable. At some times, you're like, "Oh yeah, Liam doesn't freak about what school he's going to this year" or "Oh yeah, I don't have to worry about being mobbed", but at other times, you hear about stuff they're going through and it's similar to what you're experiencing. It's comforting, you know? :) And yeah, it's great that Simon still talks with them. I remember watching 1D day when he was there with them, and it was so easy to see how well they got on. It was really nice. :) Thank you for the picture of Harry. I can't even imagine him speaking to me to be honest! Ooh, I'm feeling light-headed! *happy nerves* Here's Niall and Harry hugging it out, bro :) str8stylin.tumblr.com/post/94964556384/did-they-ever-hold-each-other-tight-like-us

I'm both sorry and happy for you. I'm glad you're getting paid good money, but I'm sorry you have to work so hard for it. I'm here if you need to de-stress. :) That sounds cool, what's the Franklin Institute? I hope that isn't a really dumb question. Does it have to do with Benjamin Franklin? Was he born there? Why am I asking so many questions?!?!
It's so great. I really, really love that about him. I love that he can get along with almost anyone while still being completely himself. :)
Me neither. Hopefully we'll find one soon!

Woooo! It'll be like a party all the time!

Haha, I might, I might. I didn't want to be too forward, lol! :)

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beary0630 · 9 years ago
That would definitely be a memory of a lifetime. But when Harry and Niall meet us at this music video, they'll fall instantly in love and it doesn't have to be just a memory! And yeah I might have to wait a little bit to wear them. I want them mostly to wear with jeans but I might have a few other things they'll work with. And yeah it has been a while since we've had a decent chat!
I agree! And yes I know what you mean! I think you're right. It's the former. I think the ladder is either all of it or the most recent thing mentioned. Either way fall better not suck! Yeah Claires looks like a fun place! Too bad you can't work in the one in my mall, it's right next to RadioShack. And I'm trying to think, I know a lot of pet stores hire at 16. I'm not sure if you'd be into a grocery store but those usually do too. Depending on the place some clothing stores hire at 16 or 18. I know Khol's is 17. It's kind of a hit or miss thing. And I know restaurants hire at 16 for some jobs. But food service can be a bit tricky at times. I know you'll find a good fit though! (Could move to England and try the bakery...)

Isn't that a bit ironic? You have to go through all that for the best night ever.

Yeah those stories are never true. Or if they were somewhat true it's probably just that one of them was tired and maybe a little grouchy. But they've never be rude just because. That's just not who they are. Love that Anne Frank quote! It's so true. I know get why more people don't try to put their best foot forward and be kind!

I will surely be thinking of him. And I'll probably never eat Chipotle without thinking of our DC trip! And yeah I don't know where that came from. He's definitely just turning 17. Some fans have this crazy idea that he and Liam are turning 21 this year! Where does that even come from?! And thanks. I'm very grateful for my days off. Tomorrow is definitely going to be my sleep catch up day!
Very true. People are people, famous or not. And while there's some things that we as fans deal with that they don't, and there's stuff that they deal with that we don't understand. But the normal issues of teens and young adults pretty much stay the same throughout time. I always think, wow the boys had to grow up in front of a pretty tough crowd: the media and the fans. But we have to grow up in front of our peers, which is basically the same group of people when you think about it. So it's all the same thing just in a different way. And like you said it is so, so comforting.
Oh yeah! I totally forgot that he was on there! But they did get on really well still. And he had that adorable dog! And yeah I know I couldn't handle Harry speaking to me. I honestly think I'd just be speechless. I'd be a deer in headlights. Aw thanks for the hug gif! I always love things like that because it reminds me that they still go to each other for advice and stuff. Here's another nice one of Harry in Philly on the 14th! http://ashtoniwir.tumblr.com/post/95056302731/august-14th-philadelphia-pennsylvania

Yeah it's really a bittersweet thing. It's just hard because I want the hours for the pay but I feel like I need more of a break. But hey I can save money so we can move to England! Or so I can visit you next summer! Thanks for being here to listen to my many work tales.
It's not a dumb question! If you've never been there then you wouldn't know. It's just a museum with some history and cool exhibits. I think it's just named afer Ben Franklin because he lived in Philly and a lot of those influential things he did happened there. Plus Independence Hall is there too. Another thing you'd probably seen in National Treasure!
Yeah the fact that he gets along with everyone well means that he'd most definitely get along well with you! I know it!
Yeah I'll keep looking for one!

Definitely! Hehe!

Haha! I don't think he'd mind! Besides, it's your brain, what you say goes!
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