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I used to have high standards and wouldn’t accept anything less—that can only get you so far.
I’ve learned to accept someone for who they are, flaws and all.
Some people find it difficult to label what my type of guy is, and I don’t blame them, I can’t even do it.
To tell you the truth, I don’t have much of a “type” based on what characteristics I look for in a guy; what makes me like a guy and I’ve noticed is the connection.
Sure, I can write a list of everything I want in a guy and when the time comes, I may even meet him, but what if there’s no connection?

What if I meet the “guy of my dreams” and there’s no spark?


There’s an unlikely chance that there will even be a fire for love to burn.
It makes sense to me to base it on connection, I wouldn’t want to be in a relationship with someone because I’m in love with who he is, I want to be in love with him.
When you make that connection with someone, it leaves you with room to like them more everyday because you’re learning more about them rather than just being attracted to someone because you think they’re this, they’re that; and if they’re not all what you anticipated them to be, you’re left disappointed.
Anyone can feel an attraction TO someone, but to have a connection WITH someone, that’s what I’d much rather opt for simply said :
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I used to have high standards and wouldn’t accept anything

3 faves · Jul 26, 2014 9:17am

Pale Perfection*


Pale Perfection*


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