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"I'm sorry if my problem bothers you. Truly, I am. It's just that, well, it bothers
me too, you see. So can't we get along? We have something in common:
we both hate my problem. I know you can't stand her -the other me, the 
one that speaks in riddles and hurts you and always seems to make a
mess of things. But perhaps, since we both hate her, you wouldn't mind
hating her together? Please? She makes it so difficult to have friends, and
I would very much enjoy you as my friend, even if it means you can't bear a
certain half of me. I'll manage, as long as we can still be friends. Please?
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"I'm sorry if my problem bothers you. Truly, I am. It's

2 faves · Jul 14, 2014 8:54pm





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