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Dearest Kay,
I'm sorry the drawing turned out terribly sucky. I am actually really freaking sorry about that
And your profile turned out not so great either
But I hope you still sorta like it
And sorta smile
Because like. I want to make you as happy as you've made me
You're just such a great person and ugh.
You deserve all the happiness in the world and I just wish I could give it to you but the most I can do is mess with your profile and draw you a picture.
I guess I'm leaving this thingy ma bob to apologize about messing with like everything on your profile, I hope you don't get too upset
And also sorry about changing your picture

You really are amazing though
Like no words can describe how awesome you are
And no words can describe how much I freaking adore you.
Thank you for always being there for everyone under the sun
Thank you for continuing to be there even though you're under appreciated
Thank you for caring and making my days 2353254x better
Overall, thank you for being you.

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Dearest Kay, Okayokayokay. Welllllll I'm sorry the drawing

4 faves · Jul 2, 2014 6:56am





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