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10 faves · 17 comments · Jan 1, 1970 12:00am




BreeeFayy* · 9 years ago
I just like books better and nobody can get the same magic from watching the movie as from reading the book.
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absent * · 1 decade ago
Whoa. Alrighty, simmer down son. You see, the thing is. There aren't actually that many of us that believe we have some sort of hierarchy, self righteousness because we read the book. Okay, fair - some fans get a little crazy, but not all.

As for the 'omg you totally can't say the book is like, better ahaha' No. Each to their own. The book has more depth to it than what any film maker can capture in a 141 minute film. You get to visualize the story in your mind, and in a sense make it your own, and holy crap is that a beautiful thing. So, don't put down those who enjoy the book more.

Furthermore, us people who read the book before the film only really have a problem when you get these people who go 'Omg, I totally know what will happen, Hazel will totally die like lulz predictable.' That is annoying, and that is when we start to become frustrated, because they think they know, and then they get all upset and you kind of think, yah., I know, I've been there.

Also. The fans who've read the book will often have an emotional attachment, I know I certainly do. You start to get defensive of other people liking that thing, I'm sure everyone has done this at some stage or another. Basically, you love that thing so much you'll do whatever you can to convince the world it's yours and often that is in a spiteful swoop of actions, like belittling those who haven't tea the book. Okay? It happens, and while I know it's ridiculous at times, you can sort of understand it, and damn don't take it so personally.

Despite all this, the film is in fact amazing. I'm not at all dissing it, I enjoyed it a lot. And Ansel Elgort makes a superb Augustus Waters.
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britany* · 1 decade ago
Again, not what I'm saying. It's totally cool man if you read the book and feel defensive about it, just don't be a complete a/shole about it. I felt the need to write this after going to see tfios and I over heard many people yelling "Augustus dies, should have read the book" and other complete rude things. Like oh no? I didn't read the book?? I'm some idiot? I just don't understand why people had thought they were at some higher place because they read a f/cking book. It was nonesense and I didn't understand it. So yeah, I took it quite personal for someone to act like a complete d/ck face.
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absent * · 1 decade ago
Yeah okay, I understand. They had no right to spoil the film like that, because regardless of whether you read te book or not, you're still entitled to enjoy the film, blah blah. Ugh, but the sad fact is, that idiocy is bound to happen - I honestly wouldn't be so bothered by it. That kind of thing happens with any book-turned-film. :T
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dolph* · 1 decade ago
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transparent · 9 years ago
you annoy me so f ucking much, every single quote doesn't need your s hitty input

dont go saying that watching the film is better than reading the book because it's your opinion on something that doesnt even need to be argued over. some people enjoy reading as supposed to watching so youre in no position to argue back because everything you say is obviously so true

youre probably going to reply back with something that you think is witty that you got off of tumblr because youre unoriginal so get off your high horse and stop thinking that people actually want to read your comments as people do obtain different opinions

this has nothing to do with the person who wrote this quote just you because the persona you display online makes me absolutely detest you and arguing back wont change my opinion
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dolph* · 9 years ago
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46 · 1 decade ago
You guys, when you read, it IS a movie. But in your head. No one said we were better, it just makes the movie better. Sometimes, we ( the fangirls ) get really upset. I strongly hope that you are grateful that my moodswings are taking me to a happy mood right now, because I could go full off if you insult my fangirl family and/or book(s).
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dolph* · 1 decade ago
If you had actually read our comments properly, you would realise that we are talking about people who talk down to others that prefer the films to the book, and talk down to them because they see them as inferior. And actually a lot of times it doesn't make the movie better, when you read it becomes your own story, and when you see a film the story is given to you. Everyone imagines a book slightly different, whereas everyone sees a film the same.
If that is your attempt at threatening me then that is truly pitiful, because you "insulting me" would make me laugh. You do realise I would have to care about you and your opinion to be insulted by it? For someone who implies they have intellect you clearly don't, as we are not discussing a 'fandom' we are discussing people who are unnecessarily rude to those who prefer films.

If you have something to say to me sweetheart, then don't hold back. Live up to your words and insult me, and I'll prepare to be shaking in my boots from some lonely 5sos fan with nothing better to do then attempt to start an argument she can't finish.
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britany* · 1 decade ago
But there are people out there who think they're better than others because they read the book. Like, you're not special. I've just been seeing this everywhere and thought it was incredibly stupid. And no, I wouldn't insult books, because I have actually read most of the books before seeing the movie, I just do not understand why it's such a big deal if you do.
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britany* · 1 decade ago
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dolph* · 1 decade ago
on twitter everybody is sending john green tweets saying "f*ck you i f*cking hate you" after seeing tfios
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britany* · 1 decade ago
why? because of the ending?
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dolph* · 1 decade ago
i think because the whole book/film is very sad but thats so out of order, if anything it shows how good of an author he is?
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britany* · 1 decade ago
Exactly, like he shouldn't have hate coming to him, it should be all love
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dolph* · 1 decade ago
He's adorable I want to smush his face
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britany* · 1 decade ago
Same, I thought I was the only one ha
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