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ten more truths
11. I only have one piercing: my first holes in both ears
12. I'm one of the messiest and disorganized people you'll ever meet. I recently found 10 pairs of socks in my locker.
13. I spend most of my summer either at the beach or at lacrosse tournaments
14. I have one pet: a dog named Daisy. She's old and usually very moody.
15. I have no money because I quit my job and spent it all on a new lacrosse stick
16. I had surgery on my glenoid labrum in my shoulder last year, of which I tore while swimming.
17. My biggest fear is being alone. The idea that maybe I'll end up alone one day scares me, which makes me want to find my one, true love when I'm younger and move in with them to combat the idea of being alone.
18. One time, my dad got in a fight with the lacrosse player Jordan wolf's mom, she then tried to sue him and now we don't like each other :~)
19. When I grow up, I hope to be either a nutritionist, sports trainer or orthopaedic surgeon
20. I won a national award for my advances in the French language and placed in the highest percentile this year, as well as being nominated as the only student from my school to represent at a national future scientist program in Washington d.c.

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ten more truths 11. I only have one piercing: my first holes

9 faves · 2 comments · Jun 2, 2014 3:19pm





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hyperion* · 9 years ago
you just keep getting cooler and cooler idk
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desperado* · 9 years ago
wow ten more truths :~) feel free to keep making them aha
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