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It's who you are when you're awake at 2am on a Saturday night, when your eyes are blurry for thinking for loo long. It's who you are when you get dressed in the morning, holding the pieces of extra body fat between your fingers. It's who you are when your best friend doesn't invite you to that thing this weekend. It's who you are when you accidentally tear your favorite drawing in half. It's who you are when you stain your favorite dress. It's who you are when everything seems to be collapsing. When you could so easily break down and be sad and focus on what you've lost., but you instead think about how fun Saturday morning was preparing pancakes with your mom. How happy you were when you ate that chocolate and watched television. How happy you were when your best friend invited only you to a special thing last weekend. How happy you were when you drew that picture. How happy you were when you picked out that dress. Sometimes, it's more important to apprechiate how good things can be rather than picking out all the flaws.


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It's who you are when you're awake at 2am on a Saturday

17 faves · 1 comments · May 23, 2014 8:14pm





poem · yay · mine · proud · camefromtheheart · idkifthisisgood · lifeissomucheasierthisway · quote

FallenAngel20 · 1 decade ago
Would you mind if I reposted this? I'll give you credit for it, it just really relates to some stuff my friends and I are going through right now.
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