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Girl wanting to lose weight: I wish I could be anorexic so I could get skinny-I am so fat, I want to be skinny! I want to stop eating

Me: I wish I could record what you just said, so I could replay it and maybe you would realize how unbelievably stupid you just sounded by saying that

It is NOT cute at all, to say you want anorexia-if you say you want to be anorexic, you have obviously never experienced what its like to be starving, angry, paranoid, hopeless, tired and defeated all the time....if you are that desperate to lose weight, then your issues run deeper than problems with your body
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Girl wanting to lose weight: I wish I could be anorexic so I

0 faves · May 16, 2014 10:20pm





eatingdisorder · anorexic · anorexia · quote