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I wish people would understand that just because you start watching your weight, looking at thinspiration, and eating less at meals, doesn't mean you are developing an eating disorder...Eating disorders have biological and genetic roots. Who knows why they only affect certain people, but they do....People with eating disorders are born with traits that make them more vulnerable to developing an eating disorder....Not all eating disorders are caused from being teased, or bullied. Not all eating disorders are caused because the person automatically thinks they are fat (when my anorexia started, it wasn't because I thought I was fat) I am naturally skinny, and I never woke up one day and said "i'll just be anorexic today" It doesn't work like that....when people develop eating disorders, they do not realize they are developing them until its gone on for a while....this is why girls online proudly proclaiming they are "becoming anroexic or trying to be anorexic" really make me mad....you do not try to be anorexic, you do not force yourself to have disordered behavior-and if you are forcning yourself, then its not really an eating disorder
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I wish people would understand that just because you start watching

0 faves · May 16, 2014 8:48pm





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