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You cannot just become anorexic by visiting a thinspiration site
You cannot just become bulimic by reading stupid tips
You cannot force a disorder that starts in your brain, on yourself
You cannot just eat less at dinnner, stare at thinspiration pictures for hours, and proclaim you are "anorexic"
You cannot aquire mental disorders by force
Thinspiration makes no sense
Pro-ana and Pro-Bulimia makes no sense
What is disturbing is how many people are drawn to it
Most thinspiration pictures are photoshopped
Stop worrying about whether or not you have a freaking thigh gap, or whether or not you are a size 0

Stop worrying about how many guys you think don't like you, or how many girls you don't measure up to, stop saying "when i am skinny, I will be perfect" cause that's a lie!
Go out and do something beautiful, and influential, make music, write poetry, make art, write stories, write a play, influence people, change someone's life, make someone's life better, not worse

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You cannot just become anorexic by visiting a thinspiration site

1 faves · May 15, 2014 8:22pm





anorexic · eatingdisorder · inspirational · quote

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