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Heart beats fast
My love for you will always last
I cant stand the thought of losing you
Please baby, dont let me lose you

Please take my hand
Please baby, I need to understand
do you love me
or do you love who we used to be

My salvation, my eternity, my wife
You are the only thing I am missing in this life
Im losing my mind, going insane
I cant control all of this pain

Please come to me
stop playing with me
stop controlling the emotions I feel
Every second I start to uncover and peel

Please baby I can t live like this 
they say nothing lasts forever and love is just a bliss
I dont believe them when they speak
because youre love is the only thing that I will forever seak

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Heart beats fast My love for you will always last I cant stand

3 faves · Apr 4, 2014 3:38pm





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