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a couple of months ago i witnessed a girl around the age of 12 trying to self harm and i saw that many people just walked past her like nothing happened so i walked upto her and took her for a little shopping spree and we sat in the chipshop with our food and talked. i listened to her tell me about her life and how she feels for about two hours and i gave her some advice but mostly just listened and i recently saw her and she cried and hugged me and she told me that her life has just completely turned around, she said all she actually needed was to know someone cared and was they were ready to listen. it honestly just made my heart melt seeing her smile so big and i know you guys dont actually know me but everyone deserves to know that people care about them so show them you do and im always here if you ever need to speak because i love you all :')
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a couple of months ago i witnessed a girl around the age of 12

1 faves · Apr 2, 2014 4:15pm





advice · life · friends · depression · selfharm · caring · quote

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