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5 Truths Quiz

1. Last beverage=Milk... I think... is it bad that I don't really remember...
2. Last Phone call= My Motheeerrr
3. Last Text Message= Abbey
4. Last Song You Listened To= Hakuna Matata- The Lion King ^_^

5. Last time I cryed= This morning.. (sad movie>_<)
6. Dated Somone Twice=Nah
7. Been Cheated On=I don't think soo...
8. Lost Someone Special=Yes
9. Kissed Somone and Regreated It=No
10. Been Depressed=I've had my moments
11. Been drunk and threw up=Nope
12. Blue
13. Green
14. Orange
15. Made a New Best Friend=Yep
16. Fallen In Love=Yes
17. Slept With Someone New=No
18. Met Someone Who Changed You=Yes
19. Found out who you true friends are= I hope who I'm thinking of will stay that way, but you can never perdict the future
20. Found out someone was talking about you=No
21. Kissed anyone on my friends list=What even? What the heck do you mean by a "friends list" anyways?
22. How many people on your friends list do you actually see=???? Do you mean on Facebook?? ME NO UNDERSTAND
23. How many kids do you want to have=Two
24. Do you have any pets=I have a ten-year old cat named Thunder who I wouldn't know what to do without.
25. Do you want to change your name=Not really I kinda like my name
26. What did you do for your last birthday=Celebrated
 27. What time did you wake up today=I didn't sleepwith my familiy and my boyfriend
28. What were you doing at midnight lastnight= Watching Divergent at the movies I WAS SO HAPPY but they did miss some important parts and people. Also, none of the characters developed in the movie apart from Tris and Tobias and that kinda stunk.
29. Name something you can not wait for=I JUST CAN'T WAIT TO BE KIIIIIIIING
30. Last time you saw your mother=A second ago, she's in the other room in fact
31. What is one thing you wish you could change about youself=My skin... it tends to get pretty dry :(
32. What are you listening to right now= Save Rock and Roll- Fall Out Boy

33. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom= Yep haha that's my dad's name..
34. Whats getting on your nerves right now= Idk, I can't really pin down anything at the moment
35. Most visted webpage= Spotify
36. Whats your Name= Haley
37. Nicknames?= Hay Hay, Hales, and Yay Yay.
38. Relationship Status= In a relationship with the best boyfriend in this big ball of wibbily-wobbily timey-wimey... stuff^_^
39. Male/Female= Female.
40. Primary school= I'm guessing this means elementary schools, and yeah I went through it haha I not going to tell you the name of it obviously
41. Middle school= Already conquered that, I'm in high school at the moment:P
 42. College= I'm not at college yet
43. Hair colour= A kinda dark brown, blonde highlights in the summer and strawberry highlights in the winter, naturally curly so it's a real pain in the butt
44. Long or short= Long
45. Perfume= One Moment;)
46. Do you have a crush on someone= No, i'm in a relationship with the best guy ever so how could I ever have a crush on someone else
47. What do you like bout yourself= My blue eyes, and I'm pretty good at sports I guess
48. Piercings= None
49. Tattoos= Nope
50. Righty or Lefty=Righty ftw!
51. First Surgery=urrmmm haha does wisdom teeth count?xD
52. First Piercing= Nowhere
53. First best friend=Abbey

54. First sport you joined=Soccer
55.First Vacation=Florida
56. Eating=Strawberries:)
57. Drinking= Nothing
58.I'm about to= Go see Divergent again
59. Listening to= Anti-D- The Wombats
60. Waiting for= My energy to recharge on this really addicting game I play
61. Want Kids= I definately think so, but it's too early for me to decide exactly what I want because things change
62. Want to get married= Eventually, when i'm at an appropriate age I would like to if i've met the right person
63. Career = Hopefully a Veterinarian
64. Lips or Eyes= Eyes
65. Hugs or Kisses= Both ^_^
66. Shorter or Taller= Height doesn't really matter but Sam is 6'3 while I'm just 5'5 xD
67. Older or younger=Who am I to judge someone based off their age?
69. Smart or good face= Doesn't matter, why should any of this matter?
70. Sensitive or loud=Both
71. Hook - up or relationship= Relationship
 72. Truble maker or Hesitant=Both
73. Kissed a stranger=No
74. Drank hard liquor=No
75. Lost glasses or Contacts=I've lost my contact lenses from time to time
76. "IT" on first date=No... wow that's mature "it", really? What are we 5?
77. Broken someones heart=I think I might've
78. Had your own heart broken=Yes
79. Been Arrested=No
80. Turned someone down=Yes
81. Cried when someone had died=Yes
82. Fallen for a friend=No
83. Yourself=Why not what kind of question is this
84. Love at first sight=Sort of, it's complicated

85. Heaven=Yes
86. Santa=I did when I was a kid but not anymore
87. Kiss on First date= It depends on the person and at what pace we wanna go at
88. Angels=Yes

89. Had more than one Girlfriend/ Boyfriend at a time= No
90. Did you sing today=Yes
91. Ever cheated on somone=No
92. If you could go back in time how far would you go=I honestly have no clue, there's just so many great options for one choice
93. If you could pick one day to relive what would it be= I don't really know
94. Do you have one certian regret that you wish you could change= Go back and grow out my bangs, and give myself a talk about how I shouldn't hide the real me and keeping everything inside isn't going to help me in anyway.
95. Did you like this survey= It was okay, kinda wierd, but okay
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5 Truths Quiz 1. Last beverage=Milk... I think... is it bad that

2 faves · Mar 22, 2014 10:37am





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