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Hi, I'm Ginger.
I'm 16, and this is my story.
When I was in middle school, I was bullied.
And believe me, it hurt.
They had their justifications for bullying me. They thought I was ugly. They thought I was too tall.
Whatever their reasons that day were, as time passed, I began to believe it myself.
So one night, when I was 13, I took a razor and cut my left wrist. 
If you haven't cut, the sound of your skin breaking sounds like peeling of sunburn after a few weeks. 
It's gross, but it provided relief. 
I continued this for weeks. I covered the scars up with makeup and long sleeves.
But then the school year ended. I graduated eighth grade. I had a pool party a week later.
I forgot about the scars and jumped into the pool. The makeup came off and my mom saw them.
After the pool party, my mom asked me why I cut. I told her. She made me go to a therapist.
I resented it, but as I look back, it really did help me. It helped me regain my self confidence.
I haven't cut in 13 months. I no longer believe that I'm ugly or too tall. 
I'm perfect the way I am. I now only have to visit the therapist once every three months.
I survived. I'm here to help you survive too.
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Hi, I'm Ginger. I'm 16, and this is my story. When I

7 faves · 3 comments · Feb 23, 2014 2:29pm

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bmxjuice · 1 decade ago
God bless your god damned soul,
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cloverchild · 1 decade ago
I am so sorry you had to go through this! I myself am a self harm survivor. Faith in humanity restored (for now). :)
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OutrightAwesome · 1 decade ago
I'm so glad there's someone out there who knows the truth about this...People like you give me hope...
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