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This quote isn't pretty, but then again neither am I.
Maybe that's why you'll never notice me.
I'm too tall, I'm awkward, ugly, fat, annoying, b1tchy, stupid, clingy, confusing and anxious.
I know I won't be the girl you fall in love with
Because I'm just not good enough.
And you are a million times too good for me.
And I know that there is literally no chance that you would ever like me.
I know.
But I dont understand why I still turn around when I hear your voice.
I don't understand why I still hope you'll say hi when you pass me.
I don't know why I still get butterflies whenever I see you.
I'm setting myself up for heartbreak,
Because one day it'll hit me like a train.
"He doesn't like you." They'll say.
And my brain will tell my heart
"I told you so."
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This quote isn't pretty, but then again neither am I. Maybe

3 faves · Jan 19, 2014 11:54pm





love · crush · sad · heartbreak

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