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I used to think Elementary School was My Home..
Why? I guess my friends never judged me.
Well for one thing,Home wasn't didn't feel like home.
My close friends felt like true family to me.


God..Everything was ''Popularity''.
You were either the cheerleader or the jock
The nerd or the athletic one,the flirt...
I wasn't in any categories..I was the Outcast.

My friends turned out to be fake all along.
My best friend who was like a sister to me,

Abandoned me for the popularity

Then she became a monster...One of them.

I was bullied everyday,by the people I onced cared
It kept getting worse day by day.I couldn't handle it.
I started eating lunch in the washroom,Being invisible.
Because of the constant name calling and the bullying.

I hated school so much,I didn't want to go to school.
I felt so broken inside,I started to feel depressed..
Every day it was the same routine.Get called names,
get punched and slapped.Go to class late get in trouble.

I felt like a pest in everyone's eyes,They be glad if I die
I decided to ki// myself one day.I wrote the letter and Made a video,I couldn't help but cry the whole time.
Then..I cut my wrists,Someone came and called 911.

I kept screaming at them to let me die...



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P I used to think Elementary School was My Home.. Why? I guess

10 faves · 4 comments · Jan 9, 2014 10:05pm





sad · broken · story

Kelseykitty* · 1 decade ago
no one would call 911 for me
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Sweden* · 1 decade ago
;c I found out who it was.It was my neighbour's wife.
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Rose :)* · 1 decade ago
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Sweden* · 1 decade ago
I know :(
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