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The Letter. The Change.

Chapter   :       November(College part)
*Katia's POV*

His green eyes looked dull and filled with sympathy. I could tell by the expression on his face he wasn't sure what to say, knowing nothing would really comfort me. I looked back at the road and watched the black pavement disappear under the car only for more to appear in the distance.
"Is he really happy?" I whispered. In my peripheral vision I saw Harry taken back by my abrupt question. I knew I didn't have to clarify who I was talking about, so I began regretting letting those words fall from my mouth as each second went by that he didn't answer.
"I don't know," his curls bounced as he gently shook his head. "I can't tell if its all just an  act or not."
I nodded as if I was indifferent but that wasn't what I was hoping he would say. I don't know what I wanted him to say either; I didn't want him to be unhappy but at the same time it would of killed me to know he was living a perfectly happy life without me. I guess I didn't really want an answer at all. My mind started to wander when Harry's voice brought me back.
"If he is now, he wasn't for a long time. Your break up really upset him," he told me.
"It wasn't like I was peachy and fine about the situation either," my tone harsher than what I meant for it to be.
"I didn't say you were," he defended himself. "I was just meaning he really missed you. He didn't leave his hotel room for a week. He just sat in there and drank while listening to music." He paused for a moment before continuing.
"One night it rained and he went and sat outside, just sat there all night. We tried to get him to come in but he wouldn't. He was a wreak, and just wanted you back."
I swallowed hard, trying to get rid of the lump that was forming in the back of my throat. "I could tell by all of the phone calls. Especially when we had just broken up and then he asks Eleanor out. On our one year anniversary."
Harry cringed and I turned on the radio. As the car filled with random music I didn't even like I mulled over everything Harry just told me. So he did care, at least a little. When I didn't receive a single phone call that was proof to me that he really didn't ever care. And then when I checked my email, after spending hours of building up the courage, only to realize he hadn't sent me one, that was when I completely broke. 
But by what Harry said, he was as broken up about it as I had been. Then why didn't he even try to get me back?

Authors note: This is all I have written for the college part. Only two parts left to post until everything I have written out for this story is posted for those who even care.

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The Letter. The Change. THE LIE. Chapter : November(College part)

1 faves · Dec 5, 2013 12:50am





thelie · collegepart · part8 · story

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