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Yeah My Hairs green now(:
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Yeah My Hairs green now(:

21 faves · 10 comments · Nov 8, 2013 7:24pm





funny · haha · out · check

dinosaur_rawr · 1 decade ago
you spelled awesome wrong!

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Atira · 1 decade ago
I like the color green, and I like hair, and I like your profile picture., So, i like your green hair. Hahaha :))
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*Dirtbag* · 1 decade ago
Aww Thank u(:
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Atira · 1 decade ago
You're welcome, the color goes nice with your skin tone. (No creepy, I just notice these things no matter who the person.)
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*Dirtbag* · 1 decade ago
Haha Thanks xP No worries we all point out things like that xD
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Atira · 1 decade ago
Hahaha, okay cool. :D how you been?
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*Dirtbag* · 1 decade ago
Terrible honestly I feel as worthless as sh\.t I mean I just got out of Juvy and My girlfriend cheated on me with my younger brother and my parents hate me my best friend wont talk to me anymore I just cant take my life its a joke
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Atira · 1 decade ago
That really sucks. But guess what? Those people... Those are more people that aren't fake to you, you know who they are now. And as far as you girlfriend... Maybe she just wasn't the right one. I can only imagine how bad it must have hurt, so I can't say I understand that, but at least you're not wasting anymore of your time. I don't see why anyone would cheat on you. You seem like a pretty nice guy, I mean, I don't know you amazingly well, so I can't really know... But you're not a jerk, even if you were, she should have just broken up with you.
And yeah... It sounds like everyone's fading away.
But I understand that.
Juvy, it's in the past. You messed up maybe, but it's over. I understand how it feels for life to feel like a joke, and all this stupid stuff keeps happening.
But, just remember, that it's not over, you still got time to make it better.
I kinda get the parent thing, my mom and i don't get along real well. It's like hell sometimes. So, just hang in there,
there's more to you than you probably think.
And don't ever feel useless, cause you're not.
You're not a terrible guy,
you might have done terrible things, but so have I, a lot of people have.
Smile wants his face back... But maybe I should tell him it looks better on you. :D
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*Dirtbag* · 1 decade ago
Thanks love that really helped(:
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Atira · 1 decade ago
I'm glad, I was rereading over it to make sure I didn't say something stupid. hahaha :))
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