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One Direction Update
10/30/13 10:30 AM EDT
Hey guys! VERY emotional day today! If you didn't know, today was the last show of the AUS/NZ leg of the Take Me Home Tour! They only have 2 Japan shows left and then the entire thing is finished! Lots of great things went on. The boys had a water fight, a cake fight and 5SOS joined them on stage for Teenage Dirtbag! 

They are still in Melbourne right now but are most likely leaving for Japan any time now. Unfortunately 5SOS won't be opening for the boys in Japan but Olly Murs will! It'll be like old UAN times! Those shows will be on November 2nd and 3rd!

Nothing has changed still. No one knows for sure if the video for SOML is coming out. If it is, it's supposed to be in about 40 minutes. If it does, enjoy! 

Rumors: Liam confirmed in a tweet that he is single. Status: UNCONFIRMED Okay so a fan tweeted this to Liam and this was his response: 
So to me that doesn't totally confirm that he's single. I don't know, it's up to you to decide if you think that's what he meant. I mean would he have responded to that tweet if he was still with Sophia? I really don't know. But we'll eventually find out soon enough. Let's just say that if we don't see them together at all within the first few days of them being back in the UK, I think we can safely assume she's gone. 

This Day Last Year: I don't know if you remember that 1 hour Ustream the boys did with Scott Mills? They were on a couch and he asked them questions. If you do remember it, it was a whole year ago! 

Links: All of the boys and 5SOS:
The ENTIRE crew for the TMH tour: http://t.co/9CSaGKqJby
Niall wearing a tellie tubbie head: http://t.co/9OFvz07pQH
Final bow with 1D, 5SOS and the band: http://t.co/yK5Q45pdbn
All the boys on stage tonight: http://t.co/YYHufn3rGj
Harry with cake all over! http://t.co/2I9iVmkFPc

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One Direction Update 10/30/13 10:30 AM EDT Hey guys! VERY emotional

6 faves · 5 comments · Oct 30, 2013 10:32am





onedirection · onedirectionupdate · celeb

little_random_fact · 1 decade ago
I went to that concert! :)
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beary0630 · 1 decade ago
Yay! Was it as good as everyone said it was? You are so lucky to have gone to their last one! Feel free to write me a long paragraph about you experience there! They love reading about those! So do I!
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little_random_fact · 1 decade ago
Wow, sorry, that didn't make sense in a lot of parts.
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little_random_fact · 1 decade ago
It really was amazing haha
I've never been to one of their concerts before this, but I'd heard heaps of stories from all my friends who had been.
And we were staying in the same hotel as them, and we heard that Harry was in the gym, so we went to that level, but we were told that the floor was closed, so we weren't allowed to go through.
We waited for their cars (there were 2 cars) to leave the hotel to go to the arena, and we saw Louis in the first car and we were banging on the window (oops haha) and we got into trouble from security. Haha. But we saw Louis in the car, and we found out later that Eleanor was also in the car. Harry was in the second one, but we found that out from other girls later on.
And we talked to girls who had hugged Harry in the gym, one girl who met Liam, and another who Niall had given his footy to. Lucky girl!!
And the concert was just really amazing :)
They're such good singers live!!
I won't go on and on about that, because we all know they're amazing :)
But it was really cool that 5sos came out during teenage dirtbag and with the pies- which Niall said was shaving foam.
Yeah, it was just a lot of fun. It was amazing!!
Ah, Sorry it's so long!!!
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beary0630 · 1 decade ago
Awesome! I put the link to this quote in the update for people to read it!
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