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One Direction Update
10/24/13 11:40 AM EDT
Hey guys! Today the boys are in Sydney for yet another show at the Allphones Arena! That's basically all that's going on at the moment. But, they definitely have been filming something and they had a photoshoot yesterday! So something is probably going to go on soon! 

Also, if you didn't know, tomorrow is going to be the first radio play of Story Of My Life! It will be playing on radio stations everywhere but I believe the first official one will be on Radio 1 at 3:45 PM UK time
 (10:45 AM EDT) when Liam will be on with Scott Mills! To find an online livestream just google radio 1 livestream and you should be able to find one.  Then the single will be officially out on Monday (28th). If you preordered MM on iTunes you will automatically get SOML! And if you didn't then you can buy it as a single on iTunes! 

Tomorrow's Tour Info: The boys have another show in Sydney! After today's show they only have 7 left in the whole TMH Tour!

Rumors: Seeing things on my Twitter timeline about Harry being taken. Harry and Niall are both still single!

This Day Last Year: The boys were off!

Links: Niall with a fan: http://t.co/zKgQBqPiz3
Louis with a fan: http://t.co/WYFRZSZ6nX
Harry with a fan: http://t.co/rWMoX5AqmI
Liam with a fan: 
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One Direction Update 10/24/13 11:40 AM EDT Hey guys! Today the

5 faves · 2 comments · Oct 24, 2013 11:37am





onedirection · onedirectionupdate · celeb

Water307 · 1 decade ago
Is there a mobile website for BBCR1?
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beary0630 · 1 decade ago
Yes! Go here: http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio1/

Then there's a thing that says listen live and you should get a popup window with the livestream!
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