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Short story:

There was a man he was so afraid that his wife loses her  ability to hearing so he went to a doctor and told him about his wife the doctor said: theirs is a way to exam the degree of hearing all what he have to do is stand in 40 feet  and talk normally to him wife if she didn’t hear you step forward to 30 feet if she didn’t hear you step forward to 20 if she didn’t hear you step forward to 10 until she hear you, one day when he came back from work he saw his wife cooking foe dinar and he said: I’ll do what the doctor told me to

He stand in the living room it was 40 feet away from the kitchen and he said:

Honey what’s for dinar? She didn’t say anything

And he step forward and he say the same thing tell he got to 10 feet

So he went to his wife and said to her:

Honey what’s for dinar?

She said: for the 5th time  lasagna.

Sometimes the problem isn’t in people it’s in us   

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Short story: There was a man he was so afraid that his wife loses

13 faves · Oct 21, 2013 11:45pm





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