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I'm curious, what do y'all think the term "emo" is?
I've been hearing alot of stereotypes saying, "ohh it's those wrist cutters/suicide idiots/f@ggots/etc." or "those people who always wear black" 
I know that's not the truth, but i don't know what to say to those people >.<
I mean if i were labled, i would consider myself to be emo.
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I'm curious, what do y'all think the term "emo"

4 faves · 8 comments · Oct 19, 2013 12:17am





curious · emo · weirdquestion · requests

*AngelsAreBadass* · 1 decade ago
I think it depends on the context. Like, emo people can be pretty fun. In my experience they're typically people who go against social norms, and they can be fun. Then there are the people that are emo, and also have some psychological issues that most people associate with normal emos. That's where you get your stereotypes on. The cutting and the black, because doing the exact opposite of other people, or just nt fitting in, can put a lot of stress on a person. It can break them.

I used to consider myself emo, simply because I thought that's what my "label" was. I cut, and I thought I had become some other thing. I hadn't. "Emos" are people just like you and me. They laugh, they cry, they HAVE FEELINGS. Whoever thinks or says otherwise is a moron.
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yuki · 1 decade ago
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zeldachick♥♪★♀†(^-^)* · 1 decade ago
People who don't know why they are here and what they are.
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meow* · 1 decade ago
Most people emos are like people who cut themselves, wear all black, listen to punk rock and just the stupidest sterotypes..
to me, idk, i guess im one..
idk, liek
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yuki · 1 decade ago
lol highfive i guess? maybe? idek xD
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meow* · 1 decade ago
hahha sure *highfives*
idek either, :)
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zeldachick♥♪★♀†(^-^)* · 1 decade ago
i'm friends with people that claim they are emo not because they are all in black but because they cut themselves, or they used to cut themselves.
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yuki · 1 decade ago
wow...i don't cut (thank God) but i do like black and gothic stuff and hot topic is my haven xP
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